Sunday, January 10, 2010

i was made for something beautiful

people should stop hating and start loving. i know some other unresonable people may be an ass to you but you should stop being trashy and stupid and stop pls, putting all e crap and shit they do on your fb status. PLS. start loving yourself and embrace life. just because these ass holes make up some shit for you and you get all hard up and get all upset and bitter over..letssee...nothing. cant you just act like a mature adult? why do you have to bother over all the childish things they do to piss you? its not worth it. and now, and by doing that,it shows how much you care about what they do to provoke you. anyone with the brains would know how to ignore them. stop feeding their hates. its so very annoying. and soon, guys will run away from you hateful and bitter girl cuz they'll soon know you will never be satisfied with anything. girl, you need to learn the ART OF IGNORANCE. cuz one day, it'll rot inside of you.
and if people like them* calls you a B and don't appreciate for who you are .if its a guy, why wil you want to waste your precious time on a useless blob of fatS like him? and if its a girl, kick her ass. please jus come to the realization that its ALL NEVER WORTH THE RISK. and wipe the :( out of your face PLEASE. or i'll just smack it away. god, its so 'isgusting.

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